On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 11:34:35AM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> Wesley Shields wrote:
> > The problem was not with portmaster,
> That's always good news. :)
> > but was with the reliance on
> > pkg_which.  The attached patch should fit it. I currently have sent it
> > to itetcu and miwi for review. The biggest downside is that pkg_info can
> > not take multiple arguments on the command line like pkg_which does, so
> > we have to use xargs -L 1, which makes things slow compared to using
> > pkg_which.
> Have you benchmarked that? I would imagine (although I don't know for
> sure) that pkg_which is just calling whatever method it uses to get
> the answer once each time for each command line argument, which would
> mean that they are basically equivalent.

No I have not run any tests so I could be entirely wrong there. Either
way, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I just wanted something that
worked with portmaster so I don't have to install portupgrade and it's
dependencies just to update python.

> It seems that the current solution is needlessly complicated (although
> I haven't benchmarked either). What would be wrong with something like:
> for file in `find <pythondir> -type f`; do
>       pkg_info -qW $file
> done | sort -u

I agree, it can likely be simplified quite a bit. This was just a quick
hack to get something working for those of us who use portmaster and not

-- WXS
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