QAT - your restless neighborhood Daemon - identified a patch error
while trying to build:
openjdk6-b14  maintained by:
 Makefile ident: $FreeBSD: ports/java/openjdk6/Makefile,v 1.2 2009/02/23 
04:39:08 maho Exp $
Excerpt from :

add path 'lpt*' mode 0660 group cups

2) And following to /etc/rc.conf:


3) Restart devfs: /etc/rc.d/devfs restart

In case your system supoorts "devd" you can copy
$PREFIX/share/examples/lpt-cupsd.conf into $PREFIX/etc/devd/

To enable printing under Gimp and MS-Windows clients do the following:

1) Uncomment application/octet-stream line in mime.types
2) Uncomment application/octet-stream line in mime.convs
3) Restart cupsd

pkg_add xbitmaps-1.0.1.tbz
pkg_add open-motif-2.2.3_6.tbz
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: /usr/local/include/X11/Xlib.h - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: 
/usr/local/share/java/classes/jdk-7-icedtea-plugs/jre/lib/rt-closed.jar - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: /usr/local/diablo-jdk1.6.0/bin/java - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: /usr/local/bin/ant - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on executable: gmake - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/xpm.pc - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on file: /usr/local/libdata/xorg/libraries - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on shared library: cups.2 - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on shared library: freetype.9 - found
===>   openjdk6-b14 depends on shared library: Xm.3 - found
===>  Configuring for openjdk6-b14
===>  Building for openjdk6-b14
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
*** Error code 1

Stop in /a/ports/java/openjdk6.
build of /usr/ports/java/openjdk6 ended at Mon Feb 23 04:36:23 UTC 2009

The tarballed WRKDIR can be found here:

PortsMon page for the port:

The build which triggered this BotMail was done under
tinderbox-3.1.2_1; dsversion: 3.1 on RELENG_7 on amd64
with tinderd_flags="-nullfs -plistcheck -onceonly" and ccache support, with the
"official" up-to-date Ports Tree, with the following vars set:

A description of the testing process can be found here:

Thanks for your work on making FreeBSD better,

QAT - your friendly neighborhood Daemon,
preparing  a heck of an error trapping system:
 - "HMC and EOI?"
 - "Halt, Melt and Catch fire or Execute Operator Immediately."

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