On Wednesday 01 February 2006 00:07, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-Jan-31 19:07:05 +0000, Robert Watson wrote:
> >On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, John Baldwin wrote:
> >>>Can I suggest that this module be committed into tools/regression or
> >>>similar so that it is generally available.
> >>
> >>I can I guess.  I have 3 currently (crash, evtest, and crash2 (which is
> >>the latest one that uses multiple threads, crash just has a single
> >>thread)).
> I'm not trying to push John to release code that he is unhappy with.
> I just think the code could potentially be useful to other people in
> the future.

I don't mind.  I actually maintain them in p4 currently.  It would actually 
make my life easier if they lived under sys since I only branch src/sys in 
most of my p4 trees.  If nothing else they are somewhat interesting to look 
at as the two crash modules both use linker sets to make it easy to add 
arbitrary tests that you trigger via a write to a sysctl.

John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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