flz         2009-01-05 21:01:29 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    .                    MOVED 
    x11-drivers          Makefile 
    x11-drivers/xorg-drivers Makefile 
  Removed files:
    x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810 Makefile distinfo pkg-descr 
  Bye bye xf86-video-i810. Everybody should have switched to xf86-video-intel
  by now. There's no more upstream development for i810 anyway.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1742    +2 -1      ports/MOVED
  1.13      +0 -1      ports/x11-drivers/Makefile
  1.8       +0 -26     ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810/Makefile (dead)
  1.3       +0 -3      ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810/distinfo (dead)
  1.2       +0 -4      ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810/pkg-descr (dead)
  1.2       +0 -8      ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810/pkg-plist (dead)
  1.13      +2 -2      ports/x11-drivers/xorg-drivers/Makefile
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