Pav Lucistnik wrote:
Maxim Sobolev píše v út 09. 12. 2008 v 12:27 -0800:

sobomax     2008-12-09 06:02:40 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
net/asterisk Makefile Log:
  Convert all WITHOUT_XXX options into WITH_XXX form. OPTIONS system
  only really supports the latter.
I've always been under impression that OPTIONS support both.  Can you
please point to bpm/bom revisions where it was broken?
Maybe I did not make myself clear, by "not supported" I have meant that in BATCH mode the mk is not automatically generating WITHOUT_XXX definitions for the items that are supposed to be off by default. You can get more details in the PR mentioned in the commit message.

Not true since rev. 1.559, I think.

OK, further investigation shows that it doesn't happen to OPTIONS added after .include <>:

Today's ports (1.604 of, FreeBSD/amd64,:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cd /usr/ports/net/asterisk
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/net/asterisk]$ sudo rm -rf /var/db/ports
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/net/asterisk]$ make -DBATCH -V WITHOUT_ZAPTEL

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/net/asterisk]$ make -DBATCH -V WITHOUT_ILBC

The difference is that ZAPTEL is defined after .include <>:

OPTIONS=        OGGVORBIS       "Enable Ogg Vorbis support" on \
                ODBC            "Enable ODBC support" on \
                POSTGRES        "Enable PostgreSQL support" on \
                RADIUS          "Enable RADIUS accounting support" on \
                SNMP            "Enable SNMP support" on \
                H323            "Enable H.323 support" on \
                FREETDS         "Enable FreeTDS support" on \
                JABBER          "Enable Jabber and Gtalk support" on \
                SQLITE          "Enable SQLITE support" on \
                CODEC_PATCH     "Apply codec negotiation patch" off \
                ILBC            "Enable iLBC codec" off \
                MISC_PATCHES    "Apply additional patches" off

.include <>

.if ${ARCH} == "i386" || ${ARCH} == "amd64"
OPTIONS+=       ZAPTEL          "Enable Zaptel support" off

Looks like a bug in to me.

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