Kris Kennaway píše v pá 27. 01. 2006 v 16:13 -0500:
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 07:41:01PM +0000, Pav Lucistnik wrote:

> > | @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
> > |  # Keep this list sorted in the chronological order.  New entries must
> > |  # be added at the tail.
> > |  #
> > | +# If previously removed port gets restored, make sure to delete the 
> > relevant
> > | +# line.
> It's more than that, though.  If an old port is copied to a new
> location and the old location is kept (e.g. upgraded to a later
> version), don't record it here.

Yes, I noticed few records like this, but I failed to come up with a
concise sentence to note this. I blame my lack of English-fu.
Would you mind suggesting a good wording for that?

> e.g the entries relating to emacs -> emacs19, which you didn't remove.
> If you have the emacs port installed, there's no way to tell whether
> it is an old version that should migrate to emacs19, or a new version
> that should stay in emacs.

There is no entry for editors/emacs in the file.

Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A spoonful of curry, garlic and mustard helps the medicine go down...
and come straight back up again.
  -- JLE on #angband

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