On Mon, 21 Jul 2008, John Baldwin wrote:

On Sunday 20 July 2008 11:25:20 am Tom Rhodes wrote:
trhodes     2008-07-20 15:25:20 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/netipx           ipx_input.c ipx_usrreq.c
  SVN rev 180630 on 2008-07-20 15:25:20Z by trhodes

  Document a few sysctls.

  Reviewed by:    rwatson

FWIW, most other sysctls (though not all currently) start the first word with
uppercase and attempt to be complete sentences.  This is consistent with
style(9)'s suggestions on code comments.

Except most are not punctuated with a trailing ".".  On ref8-i386.freebsd.org
now, sysctl -da shows about 1470 sysctl with a non-null description,
of which only 25 violate the non-punctuation rule, but almost half
(713) violate the capitalization rule.  A few of the ones with a trailing
"." have multiple sentences on separate lines, but those are broken in
other ways (the descriptions should be short, and must never be on
separate lines, the latter so that simple greps work).  Most of the
violations of the capitalization rule are automatically generated
for devices.  sysctl -da output is spammed with the same descriptions for
most devices of %desc, %driver, %location, %pnpinfo (all devices on i386
seem to have this though most have nothing to do with pnp) and %parent.
Altogether there are 109 %desc's, 109 %driver's, 109 %location's, 109
%pnpinfo's and 143 %parents.  This accounts for 579 of the 713
capitalization bugs.

Please fix the style bugs of the source code of the sysctls when you fix
these.  The continuation indent is 4 chars (indent -ci4) in KNF but is
mostly 11 chars (indent -lp) for these sysctls and is 12 chars (completely
bogus) for at least one.

Other recent additions of sysctl descriptions have much larger style
bugs.  The largest ones are in netipsec/ipsec.c.  There the format of
SYSCTL lines was highly non-KNF, but consistent, with excessive tabs
to line things up.  Now it is just ugly, with the description lines
placed where they don't fit and almost always running beyond 80

There is no way indent(1) can reproduce such fancy formatting of data
declarations, especially when the data declarations are obfuscated in
function-call-like macros, so such fancy formatting should rarely be
used.  indent(1) at least has a chance with normal SYSCTL formatting.

A closer look shows that the fancy formatting in ipsec.c was already
mostly wrong -- most things don't actually line up.  In general, the
first line is spit too early (normal is splitting after CTLFLAG*, but
verbose name may prevent this) and the second line is not split enough.
Splitting the first line too early almost guarantees that the second
line will be too long unless it has a null description or is split.
Then the tabs increase the mess.  In other files, normal formatting of
SYSCTL*() gives a chance of fitting the description on the scond line.

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