On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 02:43:23PM +0000, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008, Brooks Davis wrote:
> Hi,
>>>>  Modified files:
>>>>    etc                  network.subr
>>>>  Log:
>>>>  Emit a warning when the network_interfaces variable is not set to AUTO.
>>> why do we have this warning and why do we no longer want to support
>>> anything but auto?
>> Because network_interfaces provides no useful functionality and needless
>> added complexity.  If you want an interface to be configured, set an
>> ifconfig_<foo> variable and make sure the interface exists by the time
>> rc.d/netif is run (by configuring your kernel or /boot/loader.conf
>> correctly) or add it to the appropriate wlans_<bar>, gif_interfaces,
>> cloned_interfaces, etc list.  If you don't want it configured make sure
>> there isn't a ifconfig_<foo> variable set.
> Assume you have a wlan interface and a wired one. By default one or
> none comes up and you do sh /etc/rc.d/netif {start,stop} iface (,etc.)
> to switch between or enabling the second one without having all other
> different kinds of problems and things to manually configure. You can
> still have both fully configured in rc.conf just not automatically
> enabled.
> I really like this for wireless when I am travelling for example.

Add NOAUTO to both ifconfig_<foo> lines and neither will come up unless
you manually bring them up.

-- Brooks

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