* Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080507 16:20] wrote:
> Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> >
> >(*) Important note: when considering autoconf scripts, most of the
> >scripts test's come from a repository of scripts or are carbon
> >copied from each other.  Saying that "all ports are broken" is not
> >true, it is a single suite of configuration scripts that are broken
> >and need fixing, then we will be OK.
> >
> >We have precident here of hacked autoconf and ports build logic
> >that automatically "seds" various things in scripts.  I think
> >a few knobs can fix this for us.
> The offer was a serious one.  If you're interested in evaluating the 
> impact of this change on ports then just say the word.

There's no way I can look at this within the next two months.

Afterwards I will give it a shot if time permits.

- Alfred Perlstein
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