hrs         2008-05-05 16:08:44 UTC

  FreeBSD ports repository

  Modified files:
    cad/klayout          Makefile distinfo 
    cad/klayout/files patch-config-Makefile.conf 
  Update to 0.14.  Changes since version 0.10 include:
   * Several RBA extensions: i.e. alternative methods replacing
     different 'new' variants by one 'new'. Markers now can be
   * Fixes for the bugs mentioned in the issues list.
   * OASIS and GDS writing capabilities. Menu functions are
     provided to save a layout and single cells as well as RBA
     extensions that allow to write a layout. See Saving a layout
     or parts of it for details.
   * Rulers and markers are drawn with a thin halo in background
     color to enhance their visibility. This can be switched off in
     the setup dialog if this is not desired. The following
     screenshots illustrate the differences:
   * A couple of RBA extensions: API's for shape properties, rulers
     and geometry selections.
   * A bugfix for the OASIS reader (sometimes crashing the reader
     on CBLOCK-compressed input)
   * A function to descend into a cell in the hierarchy but keeping
     the context, which is shown in dimmed colors. This function
     can be found in the "Display" menu and is called "Descend". To
     use this function, select a shape or instance inside the cell
     into which to descend. "Descend" then enters the next cell
     along the path that leads to the selected shape or instance.
   * The mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out.
   * Shift+right mouse button pressed now allows to "drag" layout
     in a "Google maps" fashion.
   * Copy & paste now is available for layers as well.
   * A ruby console is provided where ruby commands can be executed
   * The way how the selection is displayed can be configured
     now (color, line width and vertex size).
   * The interrupt signal now is enabled again even if Ruby is
     activated (Ctrl+C now works again).
   * Support for arbitrary angles on cell instances.
   * A bugfix for the OASIS reader (CTRAPEZOIDS have not been read
     in some cases). The OASIS reader now uses shape arrays to
     acchieve are smaller memory footprint in some cases.
   * Multiple transformations are now allowed on layer source
     expressions (see Transforming views and property selectors for
     a detailed description).
   * Rulers now are configurable to a large extent. Multiple ruler
     templates may be defined from which a certain ruler type can
     be choosen. Some of the new ruler styles are no
     longer "rulers" but rather "annotations". See Ruler properties
     for a description of that feature.
   * Last, but not least: KLayout now can be scripted to some
     extend using Ruby as the scripting language. For more
     information about this feature, see RBA introduction.
   * Some bugs were fixed in the OASIS implementation. CBLOCK
     compression now is supported. Forward cell name
     references (numerical ID is used before being associated with
     a string) are supported as now. File global properties are now
     read correctly. A bug reading certain CTRAPEZOID objects was
     (Still, forward references are not allowed for text/property
     strings or property names).
   * A layout properties dialog has been added that shows basic
     properties of the layout such as top cells, layers and others.
   * The "Select Cell" dialog has been enhanced with the capability
     to hide and show multiple cells in the cell list.
   * A "zoom fit" mouse gesture was implemented: moving the mouse
     up and right with the right mouse button pressed now fits the
     current cell into the window. Moving up and left still zooms
   * A bug in the GDS2 reader, dropping polygon points in rare
     cases, was fixed
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.4       +1 -1      ports/cad/klayout/Makefile
  1.3       +3 -3      ports/cad/klayout/distinfo
  1.5       +14 -15    ports/cad/klayout/files/
  1.3       +5 -5      ports/cad/klayout/files/patch-config-Makefile.conf
  1.2       +9 -9      ports/cad/klayout/files/patch-src-Makefile.rules
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