On Friday 06 January 2006 02:22 pm, John Baldwin wrote:
> jhb         2006-01-06 19:22:19 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     sys/amd64/amd64      mptable_pci.c
>     sys/amd64/pci        pci_bus.c
>     sys/dev/acpica       acpi_pcib_acpi.c acpi_pcib_pci.c
>     sys/dev/pci          pci_pci.c pcib_private.h
>     sys/i386/i386        mptable_pci.c
>     sys/i386/pci         pci_bus.c
>     sys/powerpc/ofw      ofw_pcib_pci.c
>     sys/sparc64/pci      apb.c ofw_pcib.c
>   Log:
>   - Make pcib_devclass private to sys/dev/pci/pci_pci.c and change all the
>     various pcib drivers to use their own private devclass_t variables for
>     their modules.
>   - Use the DEFINE_CLASS_0() macro to declare drivers for the various pcib
>     drivers while I'm here.

FWIW, most drivers don't use the devclass_t variable that they pass to 
DRIVER_MODULE().  It might be nice if we could make that optional so that 
only the drivers that actually need it declare the storage for one.

John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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