imp         2005-12-08 22:29:42 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/dev/puc          pucdata.c 
  Careful measurement of the ST Labs card shows that the pulse width of
  transmitted bits was between 8.6180us and 8.6200us when we used a RCLK
  of 16.500MHz.  This is a little low (should be 8.6805us).  This error
  is exactly the error one would expect if it actually had a 16.384MHz
  watch oscillator (as suggested by garrett) instead of using the PCI
  RCLK.  Assume that the pci clock therefore wasn't really used, but
  instead the cheap 16.384MH watch quartz oscillator.  This gives bits
  in the 8.6800us to 8.6810us ranage, which matches theoretical.
  Submitted by: garrett
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.54      +1 -1      src/sys/dev/puc/pucdata.c
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