Pav Lucistnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

pa> Right, haven't noticed this. Do we have a language-dependent place for
pa> this? Does xsltproc have commandline argument to specify encoding
pa> perhaps? Or do we have to copy the .xsl around?

 Please put en/share/sgml/templates.usergroups.xsl.  See:

pa> >  And your commits seem inconsistent; changes for www/89380 replace
pa> >  &#xxx; with &foo;, but entities.dtd adds such entities in &#xxx; form.
pa> >  Which one do you think better?
pa> Whatever is easier to read and write by humans. &foo;s clearly wins.

 This is not only a style issue.  What we must consider is that
 the &#xxx; form can depend on a specific encoding (this is always
 UTF-8 in the XML spec, though) and some web browsers do not handle
 them correctly.  The entity references should be &foo; form
 in the *resulting* HTML files wherever possible.

 The XHTML entities are actually defined in the &#xxx;
 form (you can see them in $PREFIX/share/xml/dtd/xhtml/xhtml-lat1.ent,
 for example), so we never put them in the resulting HTML files
 in &foo; form even if we add entities.dtd and use &foo; in an XML file.

 I think a concept of "sdata-as-pis" used in osx(1) is a good
 idea for XML files in our www and doc tree.  Redefining all
 of ISO 8859 entities in the SDATA PI form and adding a template
 for that, we can put them in the resulting HTML files
 in the &foo; form.

| Hiroki SATO

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