On Sun, 27 Nov 2005, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:

On Sun, 27 Nov 2005 13:23:00 +0000 (GMT)
Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
time(3) should use the environment variable too, since the fast version
gives a value that is both imprecise and wrong.  It inherits bugs from
the kernel's time_second variable.  time_second is not the current time
truncated, but is the (current time less up to about tc_tick/HZ)
truncated.  It lags the current time by more than 1 second for up to
about tc_tick/HZ seconds before every rollover of the correct truncated
Yes -- this is a mistake in the current library wrapper.  All interfaces
modified to be "fast" or "precise" should be controlled by the
environmental variable so that testing is more consistent (i.e., other
than wrapping costs, the non-configured version should behave identically
to the non-wrapped version).

        I think that to use libmap.conf(5) is a best solution:-), if
        someone want to use low resolution version.  I didn't confirm
        following setting:

# All binaries use low resolution version on /usr/local/bin/
libc.so.6       libwrapper.so.1

        Of cource, you can use mysql only, and no more controll by
        environment variable.

In the general case -- i.e., if the wrapper were going to be for more than testing -- I'd agree. However, the wrapper is designed to support automated testing without dealing with system-wide configuration files. :-) For those wishing to pick up the latest wrapper code, it's in //depot/user/rwatson/clock/src/lib/libwrapper in Perforce.

Robert N M Watson
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