On Monday 21 November 2005 06:34 pm, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 06:52, John Baldwin wrote:
> >   Don't enable PUC_FASTINTR by default in the source.  Instead, enable it
> >   via the DEFAULTS kernel configs.  This allows folks to turn it that
> > option off in the kernel configs if desired without having to hack the
> > source. This is especially useful since PUC_FASTINTR hangs the kernel
> > boot on my ultra60 which has two uart(4) devices hung off of a puc(4)
> > device.
> >
> >   I did not enable PUC_FASTINTR by default on powerpc since powerpc does
> > not currently allow sharing of INTR_FAST with non-INTR_FAST like the
> > other archs.
> Why not make it a tunable?
> Untested but compilable patch attached.

*shrug*  You can if you want.  One thing I would suggest is cutting down on 
the code duplication if you go this route and doing something like this:

        if (fast_intr)
                irq_setup = bus_setup_intr(..., INTR_TYPE_TTY | INTR_FAST);
        if (!fast_intr || irq_setup != 0)
                irq_setup = bus_setup_intr(..., INTR_TYPE_TTY);

That has less indentation and less duplicated code and is easier to read I 
think.  Granted, I'm not sure how many people would actually use this tunable 
in 7.0 since INTR_FAST breaks in fewer places now since for all but ppc 
INTR_FAST can be shared with !INTR_FAST.

John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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