I have this code and it works, displaying a green circle instead of
the defaut li bullet:

    .observations li::before {
        margin-right: 6px;

<ul class="observations" style="padding-left: 20px; list-style-type:none;">
    <li style="line-height: 1.25;"><span style="color: black;">Current
version: Agile vGold Required version: Agile Silver</span></li>

But now I need to change the color of the circle programmatically. I
ran that base64 through a decoder and it came out with this:

  <path stroke="null" fill="#1aaf54" id="svg_1"
d="m0.20231,4.976169c0,-2.655359 2.138654,-4.804042
4.78162,-4.804042c2.641807,0 4.78162,2.148683
4.78162,4.804042s-2.139812,4.804042 -4.78162,4.804042c-2.642947,0
-4.78162,-2.148683 -4.78162,-4.804042z"/>

And I am trying to use that in my li::before (hoping I can then set
the fill color):

.observations li::before {
xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' stroke='null' fill='#1aaf54' <path
d='m0.20231,4.976169c0,-2.655359 2.138654,-4.804042
4.78162,-4.804042c2.641807,0 4.78162,2.148683
4.78162,4.804042s-2.139812,4.804042 -4.78162,4.804042c-2.642947,0
-4.78162,-2.148683 -4.78162,-4.804042z' /> </svg>");

But no image is displayed. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong, or
tell me another way I can change the color of the circle.

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