Hi listers,

Long time no speak.

At the link below is an image of a layout I am trying to do. I come
across this frequently. A parent container with a bg image and a child
content container.

horizontally, this is pretty easy, however as a responsive component,
mobile gets tricky.

MOBILE: Content is 50% height of the parent. Parent's BG image is
visible in the other 50% (top, lets say) but the image runs behind the
content which has a translucent bg color.

DESKTOP: Content is 50% width of the parent. Parent's BG image is
visible in the other 50% (left) but the image runs behind the content
which has a translucent bg color.

How would you handle this in CSS only? I'd like it to not rely on a
fixed height for mobile.


Thanks in advance.


Tom Livingston | Senior Front End Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | medialogic.com

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