On 10 Sep 2020, at 10:20, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

There was a proposal at one point to create "cyclic" selection in CSS where you could alternate a property's values from one to another exactly as Jeff was hoping to do, but it was so long ago (and so ignored by browsers) that I can't remember the exact terms that were used to describe it, and so can't find any references online.

I asked on Twitter, and it turns out this wasn't so long ago after all-- it's part of the "CSS Values and Units Module Level 4" specification, last officially updated in 2019 but still under active development. It's called 'toggle()': <https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/#toggle-notation>. Example 27 describes the exact scenario Jeff had in mind:

em { font-style: toggle(italic, normal); }

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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