I'd say double-check the selector and look for specificity issues or the order of style sheets loading. I can get it in the inspector but I don't know how you're loading/adding your fix.
On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 1:20 PM Sandy Feldman <sa...@sandyfeldman.com> wrote: > > Tom, > > Yeah, it's a really, really old site. The timeline isn't actually supported > anymore, and replacing it isn't on the radar, at least not for now. So, we > mend and make do. > > I *think* that I've got the css you have working in your screenshot in my > customize WordPress additional css, and it isn't kicking in. For some reason. > > (off to bang my head against the wall ...) > > s. > > On 2020-05-12 1:05 p.m., Tom Livingston wrote: > > I'm not familiar with less, so '.opacity(15)' is foreign to me. > Changing the .15 opacity in the inspector to 1 fixes it and yes the > selector you listed out looks like it. Here's another screenshot: > https://cln.sh/P1XQ > > Also, I'm wondering about all the flagged things in that screenshot. > -khtml as a prefix? I have to say I haven't seen that before and khtml > seems like, in general, a blast from the long past. Is this an old > site? > > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 12:41 PM Sandy Feldman <sa...@sandyfeldman.com> wrote: > > https://github.com/NUKnightLab/TimelineJS3/blob/master/source/less/slider/TL.SlideNav.less > > .opacity(15); > on this page is doing it, right? I just can't figure out how to tell it > to stop. > > s. > > > On 2020-05-12 11:57 a.m., Tom Livingston wrote: > > I realized after the fact that the link I sent had no explanation. My > apologies as I was in the middle of several things including a video > conference call. > > That link is legit. It's a screenshot of where I found the opacity > problem in question. > > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:22 AM Sandy Feldman <sa...@sandyfeldman.com> wrote: > > On 2020-05-12 11:15 a.m., Tom Livingston wrote: > > On Tue, May 12, 2020 at 11:02 AM Sandy Feldman <sa...@sandyfeldman.com> wrote: > > hey all (I think there may be 4 of us now!) > > I am trying to improve the contrast on a knight lab timeline. There are > a couple of elements that have reduced opacity that need to be brought > up to full. I can't seem to find the right selectors. > https://blackspaceportal.library.brandeis.edu/aaas-timeline/ > > Here are knight lab hints on styling > > https://timeline.knightlab.com/docs/faq.html#styling > > > Here's what I've tried so far: > > .tl-slidenav-previous .tl-slidenav-title, .tl-slidenav-next > .tl-slidenav-title, .tl-slidenav-previous .tl-slidenav-description, > .tl-slidenav-next .tl-slidenav-description { > filter: alpha(opacity=1); > -khtml-opacity: 1; > -moz-opacity: 1; > opacity: 1; > } > div.tl-slidenav-title { > filter: alpha(opacity=1); > -khtml-opacity: 1; > -moz-opacity: 1; > opacity: 1; > } > div.tl-slidenav-title A{ > color: #000; > filter: alpha(opacity=1); > -khtml-opacity: 1; > -moz-opacity: 1; > opacity: 1; > } > > I also need to make the dates along the time axis darker. > > .tl-timeaxis .tl-timeaxis-content-container .tl-timeaxis-minor > .tl-timeaxis-tick { > color: #666; > } > > Your help is really appreciated! > > -- > > Sandy > sandyfeldman.com > > Can you specify what elements you are trying to affect the opacity on? > > > https://blackspaceportal.library.brandeis.edu/aaas-timeline > > On the timeline, just under the black arrow, there's some text. First slide > says "AAAS 130B". It's very pale until hover, when it turns black. I need to > get it black the whole time and add a different hover/focus style. > > -- > Sandy > sandyfeldman.com > > > -- > Sandy > > sandyfeldman.com > > > -- > Sandy > sandyfeldman.com -- Tom Livingston | Senior Front End Developer | Media Logic | ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | medialogic.com #663399 ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [css-d@css-discuss.org] http://www.css-discuss.org/mailman/listinfo/css-d List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ List policies -- http://css-discuss.org/policies.html Supported by evolt.org -- http://www.evolt.org/help_support_evolt/