On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:00 PM Jeff Zeitlin
<edi...@freelancetraveller.com> wrote:
> OK, "display:none" on the break tag can definitely be useful; I'm not sure
> I can visualize a situation where I'd want to change the handling of
> white-space.
> What I _would_ like to see is being able to do run-in headers (usually at
> the H5 or H6 level) or DTs (in DLs). Unfortunately, this seems to have
> fallen out of the spec, and was never really implemented well.

> Jeff Zeitlin, Editor

On that specific instance, I like how it takes the address goes from
envelope address to envelope return address. I could see some uses
for it - but I have to kinda play it out. Maybe with mobile apps.

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