I've been looking at my website, and decided that I don't really like the
fonts that I set up the CSS for lo these many years ago; they were simply
the best ones that were most widely available at the time.

I've found fonts that I like better and will probably add to the 'stack',
but have discovered some issues - specifically, at a given em size, some of
the preferred fonts are smaller than others.

The relevant current CSS is basically

body { font-family: a, b, c, d; }

The problem is that when I change it to

body { font-family: e, f, g, a, b, c, d; }

fonts a, b, c, and d are OK at the default 1em size, but e and g really
want to be 1.2em, and f should really be 1.5em, to get the same visual

Is there some way to do that without having to get involved with javascript
or the like?

Also, all of e, f, and g have old-style numerals as an option; how can I
turn that on in CSS?

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