I have these 2 problems: my disappearing header background and the pure css 
dropdown menu I installed, which was working but now is not working


1/ The header issue: I want my header to have the light yellow background. The 
header is fixed, so I want scrolling items to disappear underneath that 
background – but they don’t. You can see the items underneath the header text. 

This was working. I think it broke when I put my door graphic on the left and 
used z-index to make the door NOT disappear underneath the header bg. Is there 
another way to make the door show up … or another way to handle the header?

2/ I used  https://css-tricks.com/solved-with-css-dropdown-menus/ and got a 
dropdown menu for services. But when I was messing around with the header, I 
broke it.

Help appreciated.


Kimi Wei
k...@thewei.com  @kimiwei

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