
At day's planning meeting, we officially announced the 100 node challenge.  If 
you are interested, we can discuss on these lists or contact me 1x1.

Here's the text I posted:

OpenCrowbar community contributors are offering a "100 Node Challenge" by 
volunteering to setup a 100+ node Crowbar system to prove out the v2 
architecture at scale.  We picked 100* nodes since we wanted to firmly break 
the Crowbar v1 upper ceiling.
The goal of the challenge is to prove scale of the core provisioning cycle.  
It's intended to be a short action (less than a week) so we'll need advanced 
information about the hardware configuration.  The expectation is to do a full 
RAID/Disk hardware configuration beyond the base IPMI config before laying down 
the operating system.
The challenge logistics starts with an off-site prep discussion of the 
particulars of the deployment, then installing OpenCrowbar at the site and 
deploying the node century.  We will also work with you about using OpenCrowbar 
to manage the environment going forward.
Sound too good to be true?  Well, as community members are doing this on their 
own time, we are only planning one challenge candidate and want to find the 
right target.
We will not be planning custom code changes to support the deployment, however, 
we would be happy to work with you in the community to support your needs.  If 
you want help to sustain the environment or have longer term plans, I have also 
been approached by community members who willing to take on full or part-time 
Crowbar consulting engagements.
Let's get rack'n!


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