Greetings, SUSE Cloud 3 Admin Appliance 1.2.0 is available. You can download the Standard or Embedded version.
Standard v1.2.0: Embedded v1.2.0: Standard has a process which will mirror all of the required repositories for the Admin Server, and contains the SLES 11 SP3 / SUSE Cloud ISO's Embedded has everything that the standard image has and all of the required patch and update repositories in the image ready for you to consume. It might take a little longer to download but might be worth the wait if you need something portable you can bring around to customer sites. This is milestone version 1.2.0 Direct Download links for SUSE Cloud 3 Admin: "KVM Image": "VMware Image": "Preload USB Image": "Preload ISO": Direct Download links for SUSE Cloud 3 Admin (Embedded): "KVM Image": "VMware Image": "Preload USB Image": "Disk Image": "Preload ISO": Its important that you answer several questions before proceeding. You can find those questions in the "SUSE Cloud 3 Deployment Guide": This Questionnaire will help you as a companion to the Deployment Guide. "SUSE Cloud Questionnaire": This guide on using the appliance can help walk you through step by step. (Pending update for 1.2.0... Check back) "SUSE Cloud Admin Appliance Guide": The most updated guide will always be "here": Changes from "Github Project": 1. consolidate as best I can first boot and init scripts 2. add a proper 3. README and appliance guide don't distinguish between two types of appliances 4. documentation missing 5. don't require NCC / SMT registration by default on Embedded images Once the appliance is deployed then you must finish the setup. To finish setting up the SUSE Cloud 3 Admin Appliance you will need to define the network. To help you with the network configuration refer to the deployment guide and companion deployment questionnaire. execute yast2 crowbar Once your network settings are all defined then continue the crowbar install execute screen install-suse-cloud Before you proceed with install-suse-cloud its important that the network settings are properly defined and that you have everything right otherwise you will need to start over. Enjoy! -- Cameron Seader Sr. Sales Engineer SUSE (W)208-577-6857 (M)208-420-2167 _______________________________________________ Crowbar mailing list For more information: