
Over the last sprint, the Dell Crowbar team has focused on closing defects and 
fixing last issues that map to the release roadmap that we laid out in the 
community call several weeks ago ( )

Like any release, we could continue to polish and tweak; however, I believe 
that we've achieved the critical point where we should declare victory and tag 
the release.

I'm proposing that we consider OpenCrowbar in its current state "Crowbar.Anvil" 
or in semver "2.0.0."

I'd like to act on this soon - so please comment quickly positive or negative 
if you have questions or concerns.


Here's the list of features that we tracked for the released:

Release Target: OpenCrowbar.Anvil -

Theme: Base platform w/ API and integration points for workload development

Critical Features:
*         DONE Community Accessible - the purpose of this release is to attract 
partners and community to collaborate
*         DONE Hetero O/S Deploy- able to install a different O/S on all the 
worker nodes
*         DONE Ability install Chef and WIP Puppet Client - Does not install 
server, only installs the client and connects to an existing Server
*         DONE Installation using online mode - internet connection required 
for installation due to cache and dependency resolution
*         DONE Ability to use upstream deployment code sources
*         DONE Flexible Networking Configuration (plus IPv6)
*         DONE Scale to 100 nodes
Base Line
*         DONE Tech Debt: Rails 4, Ruby 2, Chef 11, Postgresql 9.3
*         DONE Docs managed in repo
*         DONE Repos convereged & Birkshelf
*         DONE RESTful API normalization
*         DONE CLI normalization
*         DONE BDD test coverage over API & UI
*         DONE Allow mulitple deployment technologies
*         DONE Orchestration operates with descrete parts w/ clear error 
messages, dependency graph and failure modes

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