Dell - Internal Use - Confidential

The modprobe commands should be ok in the context of mesa 1.6 - could you 
please try to run the ipmitool lan print 1 command and see what data it 
returns? As Rob mentioned disabling the IPMI barclamp would be a good option on 
unsupported h/w especially.


From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Hirschfeld, Rob
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 11:34 PM
To:; crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Installing crowbar mesa 1.6 on HP C7000 G8 blade.


It looks like it's failing trying to run one of the following
modprobe ipmi_si
modprobe ipmi_devintf
                ipmitool lan print 1

I have no idea if those will work on that equipment.

You may want to try to run them by hand on the system in sledgehammer (you can 
SSH as root from the admin server) and see if they run.

I believe that you can disable the IMPI barclamp in the proposal settings and 
skip this step if needed.

I hope that helps.  Sorry that your email was caught in the moderation queue.

From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of MCGRATH, GIL
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 6:18 PM
To: crowbar
Subject: [Crowbar] Installing crowbar mesa 1.6 on HP C7000 G8 blade.


I am trying to install crowbar mesa 1.6 on a HP C7000 G8 blade.

After loading the crowbar 1.6 iso. I ran /opt/dell/bin/install-crowbar

During the install process the ipmi-discover recipe is failing with the 
following error.

Has anyone seen this before or know what the problem/resolution is:

------- FROM /var/log/crowbar/install/chef.log ------------------------
Error executing action `create` on resource 'ruby_block[discover ipmi settings]'

unexpected return

Cookbook Trace:
/var/cache/chef/cookbooks/ipmi/recipes/ipmi-discover.rb:66:in `from_file'

Resource Declaration:
# In /var/cache/chef/cookbooks/ipmi/recipes/ipmi-discover.rb

 46:   ruby_block "discover ipmi settings" do
 47:     block do
 48:       %x{modprobe ipmi_si ; modprobe ipmi_devintf ; sleep 15}
 49:       %x{ipmitool lan print 1 > /tmp/lan.print}
 51:       if $?.exitstatus == 0
 52:         node["crowbar_wall"] = {} unless node["crowbar_wall"]
 53:         node["crowbar_wall"]["ipmi"] = {} unless 
 54:         node["crowbar_wall"]["ipmi"]["address"] = %x{grep "IP Address   " 
/tmp/lan.print | awk -F" " '\{print $4\}'}.strip
 55:         node["crowbar_wall"]["ipmi"]["gateway"] = %x{grep "Default Gateway 
IP " /tmp/lan.print | awk -F" " '\{ print $5 \}'}.strip
 56:         node["crowbar_wall"]["ipmi"]["netmask"] = %x{grep "Subnet Mask" 
/tmp/lan.print | awk -F" " '\{ print $4 \}'}.strip
 57:         node["crowbar_wall"]["ipmi"]["mode"] = %x{ipmitool delloem lan 
 59:       else
 60:         node["crowbar_wall"] = {} unless node["crowbar_wall"]
 61:         node["crowbar_wall"]["status"] = {} unless 
 62:         node["crowbar_wall"]["status"]["ipmi"] = {} unless 
 63:         node["crowbar_wall"]["status"]["ipmi"]["messages"] = [ "Could not 
get IPMI lan info: #{node[:dmi][:system][:product_name]} - turning off ipmi for 
this node" ]
 64:         node[:ipmi][:bmc_enable] = false
 66:         return
 67:       end
 69:       %x{rmmod ipmi_si ; rmmod ipmi_devintf ; rmmod ipmi_msghandler}
 70:     end
 71:     action :create

Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /var/cache/chef/cookbooks/ipmi/recipes/ipmi-discover.rb:46:in 

ruby_block("discover ipmi settings") do
  cookbook_name "ipmi"
  block_name "discover ipmi settings"
  action [:create]
  retry_delay 2
  recipe_name "ipmi-discover"
  retries 0

[Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:42:40 -0500] ERROR: Running exception handlers
[Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:42:40 -0500] FATAL: Saving node information to 
[Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:42:40 -0500] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:42:40 -0500] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to 
[Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:42:40 -0500] FATAL: LocalJumpError: ruby_block[discover 
ipmi settings] (ipmi::ipmi-discover line 46) had an error: LocalJumpError: 
unexpected return
Chef client run failed, will retry with debugging.

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