
Thanx to tboerger we are able to build Crowbar from Roxy branch by
switching openstack-os-build and install an Admin node. But i am surprised
when i see the web UI. It was the same one that i installed by following
the documentation http://crowbar.github.io/docs/build-crowbar-2.html. The
only difference is i switched to roxy/openstack-os-build.

Then i followed http://crowbar.github.io/docs/build-crowbar.html and
switched roxy/openstack-os-build. I thought i will see the 1.x (The dark
blueish interface) interface while doing this and thought it is somehow
built by looking at the ruby versions and the libraries.

(Lets assume i installed missing packages and applied
https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/pull/2002.patch and
https://github.com/crowbar/barclamp-crowbar/pull/944.patch for this part)

Seems i am missing something. Now i have a new bootstrapped designed UI,
which i liked. But i am wondering whether what i have done is 1.x or 2.x?
What i want is stability and Havana. Am i doing something wrong?

Can someone tell me which branch is for what? I read mesa 1.6 is for
Grizzly, but there seems to exist an 1.6.1 which is for Havana.

So i am confused :)

Oğuz Yarımtepe
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