
There's been a huge amount of work going on in Roxy in the last two
months, and the progress we've made is amazing.

Figures are just one part of the story, but a quick analysis show that
there were 1035 commits between Pebbles and Roxy until today, and 690 of
these commits occurred since December 1st. That's not too bad :-) (and I
probably forgot to take into account some barclamps)

The focus for Roxy was Havana support, and we reached a point where it's
very solid. There are still improvements to work on, and we still see a
flow of incoming pull requests, but here and there, we can hear people
willing to work on new stuff.

This new stuff includes some changes in Crowbar itself, but also
Icehouse support.

So I suggest we go ahead and create a post-Roxy branch (version would be
1.8). Of course, we'll have to make sure changes we do in Roxy also end
up in this new branch, but that's pretty easy :-)

Any objection against creating the new branch this week?



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