Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
I have more good  news for Holidays.
We have untangled Dell_BIOS and Dell_Raid barclamps between different branches.

Thus, roxy barclamp_dell_raid and barclamp_dell_bios can be changed without 
impacting other branches.


From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Kanevsky, Arkady
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 3:03 PM
To:; crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] state of roxy

Here are rules changes to unblock long list of outstanding PR against roxy and 

1.      We are relaxing review/vote rules for roxy and pebbles community 
branches. SuSE team +1 vote for PR against these 2 branches is sufficient for 
merges with 3 exceptions stated below:

a.       Crowbar/crowbar - does not belong to any individual branch/release and 
shared across all of them. Thus, any PR against it will follow existing process 
with twp +`1 votes from different organizations and full testing on all 
supported platforms. Not all the testing have to be done on roxy. It is fully 
expected that testing will be done on multiple branches to ensure that they are 
not destabilized.

b.      Barclamp_dell_raid and barclamp_dell_bios - any changes to these MUST 
be reviewed and approved by Dell. First, the current repos for them are shared 
for multiple releases: roxy, hadoop-2.4 and hydrogen. Thus, any change impacts 
all three. Second in order to test it actual HW testing is required and only 
Dell folks know how to test changes in these barclamps. It is best not to touch 
these by anybody but Dell folks.

2.      This relaxation of rules will allow SUSE to release the product based 
on roxy.

3.      Without working CI it is too time consuming to maintain stability of 
the branch. This does not work well with SUSE Cloud 3 schedule.

a.       We will no longer guarantee that Ubuntu or CentoS platforms are 
working on roxy.

b.      SUSE will ensure that roxy works on SLES and openSUSE platforms.

c.       SUSE will continue to work on CI and once it is ready we will revisit 
support for multiple platforms.

4.      Dell has created hadoop-2.4 and hydrogen branches off roxy that will be 
used as stable one for hadoop and OpenStack Havana with much lower churn but 
also with fewer features as compared to roxy community branch

a.       Treat them as private branches

b.      We will cherry pick between them and roxy

5.      We will try to keep roxy and hydrogen in sync in a long term but in a 
short term they will diverge to ensure timing pressures for roxy PRs.


-----Original Message-----
From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Vincent Untz
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 1:32 AM
To: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] state of roxy

Le jeudi 12 décembre 2013, à 23:34 -0600,<> a écrit :
> Team,
> Roxy is broken.
> Deployment of crowbar on admin node of Ubuntu build fails apt_test and node 
> is red (failed state).
> No merges can take place till this is fixed since no test results can be 
> trusted.
> Crowbar proper was working yesterday.

Based on what you mentioned in a private mail and in a github comment, this 
seems to just be a string that changed (to be honest, I think barclamp-test 
should not match error strings; this is just subject to failure anyway if 
anything changes).

See for what would likely 
fix it.


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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