On 12/16/2013 4:01 AM, Adam Spiers wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a bit of a confusing situation currently with the docs.
> Hopefully this mail will help clarify it.
> Therefore the 2.0 docs have effectively been forked, and AIUI this
> means:
>    - If you are working on 2.0, you should *only* edit the docs in
>      barclamp-crowbar's master branch, and ignore the docs in the main
>      repo.
>    - If you edit the copy in the main repo, the change will effectively
>      apply to *all* releases except 2.0.
> Did I get that right?

Yes, that's right, although I prefer to think of it as a 2.0 branch in a 
separate repository instead of a fork.

Crowbar 2.0 adds an integrated documentation system.  The system is 
based on per-barclamp documentation, with the documentation root
in the crowbar barclamp.  Because of this, the docs for Crowbar 2.0 are 
being maintained in the 2.0 branch of the barclamps.

> In the last 12 days, both sets of docs have been changed in
> non-identical ways.  I didn't check to see whether those changes
> adhere to these proposed guidelines.

I try to watch for this, but unfortunately some 2.0 specific docs crept 
into the top level repo. I also fully expect the 2.X docs to diverge 
from 1.x.

> This is unfortunately a very confusing situation to be in, especially
> considering that we already have documentation debt from other
> duplications in the past which were never cleaned up (some involving
> the wiki).  As per:
>    https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/pull/1959#issuecomment-29846696
> Mike said he will sort out the release specific stuff as he
> re-organizes the 2.0 branch of the docs.  This will improve things in
> the short-term.

We have a lot of historical duplication and conflicting information in 
docs.  Between the new branch and the ongoing consolidation work, I 
expect long term improvements.  Short term, at least the 1.X docs will 
not be littered with 2.x specifics.

> Once again may I reiterate how much the lack of branches in the main
> repo is hurting us.  I'm looking forward to seeing some progress on
> this thread when Victor has time to reply ;-)
>    http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/crowbar/2013-December/004174.html

+1, we also need consider the 1.x docs as part of that discussion.


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