I'm confused which gems I should add to which crowbar.yml

A little help?

2013-12-04 16:28:45 -0500: ** Installing gems via bundler ...

Fetching source index from file:/tmp/crowbar-dev-test/gemsite/

Resolving dependencies...

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "diff-lcs":

In Gemfile:

rspec-rails (>= 0) ruby depends on

diff-lcs (~> 1.1.3) ruby

 barclamp_chef (>= 0) ruby depends on

diff-lcs (1.2.5)

2013-12-04 16:28:46 -0500: Not all required gems are present.

2013-12-04 16:28:46 -0500: Please run again with --no-gem-cache or

2013-12-04 16:28:46 -0500: If that does not work, then you will need to add
the missing gems to:

2013-12-04 16:28:46 -0500:


Judd Maltin
T: 917-882-1270
F: 501-694-7809
what could possibly go wrong?
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