Dell - Internal Use - Confidential

Good to know - thanks for the update!


From: Shane Gibson []
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 4:50 PM
To: Kalyanaraman, Raajeev; crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] crowbar switching nodes to UEFI boot mode ?

Thanks Raajeev,

I understand the reason behind using UEFI.  In this case, it turns out we were 
fighting "dueling DHCP" servers.  The boot behavior was not consistent due to a 
rogue DHCP service more frequently answering the broadcasts from the client; 
since it didn't have a config for those nodes, it didn't do anything 
(fortunately, it was configured to only PXE boot nodes it specifically knew 

That problem has been resolved, and the UEFI boot mode works fine with NIC PXE 
boot in the environment.


On 11/20/13, 11:09 AM, 
<<>> wrote:

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential
Hello Shane,

On R series systems the intent is to set the systems up in UEFI boot mode 
because large RAID volumes can be created and there is no code to delimit the 
size of the volume to 2TB or less . Could you please specify the system model, 
the BIOS / RAID configuration you selected (in the drop downs when you 
allocated the node) and also get me a copy of the log file for the node 
(usually under /install-logs/<node-name>-update.log on the admin), so I can 
take a look.


From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Shane Gibson
Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:35 PM
To: crowbar
Subject: [Crowbar] crowbar switching nodes to UEFI boot mode ?

It would appear that in 1.6.1, after I enlist/enroll (sledgehammer) a node, the 
subsequent reboot it switched from BIOS boot mode to UEFI boot mode.  This is 
driving me nutz ... since UEFI boot mode isn't PXE booting correctly.  The 
nodes all get hung up with "F1 to retry reboot ...".  I have to reboot the node 
in to System BIOS and change from UEFI to BIOS - then things continue on.

I'm using a stock 1.6.1 (mesa build 3860) config.  Is there something I'm 
missing in terms of specifying or expecting a proper BIOS boot mode?


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