I would like to change the password of the "crowbar" user on my admin
node so that it is not left at a value that's readily known and
accessible by anyone with Crowbar experience.

However, when I set it to a different value using "passwd" from the
console, it's set right back to its original value by barclamp-crowbar
as seen on line 66 of this file:

If I force the password change and comment that portion out of the
recipe, then it causes all kinds of problems when I try to allocate
and use client nodes. (The first visible effect is that their networks
get all screwed up on the first chef-client run, and they lose the
connection to the admin node altogether.)

The wiki page here was an interesting read:

But its directions are primarily focused on the client nodes (spawned
via the preseed script) and not on the "crowbar" user on the admin
node itself.

Do other barclamps depend on the password on the Crowbar admin node?
Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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