They are unique, I thought of that. Not to mention when the node is
discovered it is given a unique code as well in the crowbar admin node....

Eric Rife
Sales Engineer
Skype: ericrife | @ericrife
Nexenta Systems
Enterprise Class Storage for Everyone

-----Original Message-----
From: Judd Maltin []
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:14 PM
To: Eric Rife
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Can't get past discovery boot

You should you have unique mac addresses?

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Eric Rife <
<> > wrote:


        I have an environment that is all virtual. I am running esxi 5.1. I have
        created 2 separate networks .124 and .122 for the machines to have 
        to. I have used the mesa 1.6 iso and deployed my crowbar admin node
        perfectly. I then create another machine and boot and it perfectly goes
        through the discovery boot and shows up in my crowbar instance. I am 
        to allocate that node and it installs perfectly and comes up with Ready.

        I then create another VM and it also goes through the discovery phase
        perfectly. I allocate it and all it does it goes through the discovery
        phase again. It is not able to get past this. I have created numerous 
        instances of the VM and every one of them suffers the same issue.

        I noticed that the TFTP directory gets updated with the first nodes
        information but not sure if any subsequent node is completing this.

        Any help would be appreciated.


        Eric Rife
        Sales Engineer
        703.581.4012 <tel:703.581.4012>
        Skype: ericrife | @ericrife
        Nexenta Systems
        Enterprise Class Storage for Everyone

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Judd Maltin
T: 917-882-1270
F: 501-694-7809
what could possibly go wrong?

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