
We have a few clusters up and running now, being built by Crowbar 1.6.1
(mesa branch, build 3860, w/ Dell specific BIOS/RAID barclamps).  The
clusters have all been performing extremely poorly from a nova-compute
standpoint.   We resolved the issue, and would like to share how we
resolved that issue, in case anyone else runs in to this issue.

Our cluster has 2 nova-compute nodes.  On those nodes, we instantiated a
VM Guest image (in this case a simple Fedora 19 guest).  After eventually
being able to log in (it took around 10 minutes to instantiate/boot up,
and be available on the network after cloud-init ranŠ), we did a quick
benchmark of the CPU performance.  First, we also did it on the ³host
node² compute node itself (eg at the Ubuntu O.S. level on the
Crowbar/OpenStack Compute node).  For the CPU test, we simply used:

        openssl speed rsa

At the host node level, we got:

        root@db8-ca-3a-5e-d9-38:~# openssl speed rsa
                              sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
        rsa  512 bits 0.000064s 0.000005s  15512.5 205154.6

The important take-away number here is ³205,154².  Then, we logged in to
the Guest VM instance, and performed the same thing at Fedora CLI, and got:

        [fedora@test-fedora ~]$ openssl speed rsa
                          sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
        rsa  512 bits 0.002335s 0.000151s    428.2   6605.7

Take-away number ³6,605². BAD! BAD! VERY BAD!

Looking in to it - we noticed that the nova-compute instance was set up to
use QEMU for virtualization.  BUT - we _did_ set the barclamp to use KVM.
Here¹s proof of the inconsistency between the Crowbar ³nova² proposal, and
the actual built up nova-compute node setting that was implemented:

        delta-admin # crowbar nova proposal show proposal | grep libvirt_type
        "libvirt_type": "kvm",
        delta-admin # ssh dcn4 "grep libvirt_type /etc/nova/nova.conf"

So to fix it, we did the following (we also set ³libvirt_cpu_type² from
³none² to ³host-model² at the same time):

        for F in /opt/dell/chef/cookbooks/nova/templates/default/nova.conf.erb
                sed -i.bak 's/^\(libvirt_type\)=qemu$/\1=kvm/;
s/^\(libvirt_cpu_mode\)=none/\1=host-model/' $F
                cp $F.bak /root/
        cd /opt/dell/barclamps/nova/chef/cookbooks/
        knife cookbook upload nova -o .

        # our two compute nodes
        ssh dcn4 chef-client | tee -a /tmp/dcn4.log     
        ssh dcn5 chef-client | tee -a /tmp/dcn5.log

        # reboot 'em for good measure
        crowbar machines reboot `host -t CNAME dcn4 | awk ' { print $NF } ' | 
        crowbar machines reboot `host -t CNAME dcn5 | awk ' { print $NF } ' | 

After these changes, we instantiated a new Guest VM, and performed the
same CPU benchmark.  We now get:

        [fedora@fedora-demo-1 ~]$ openssl speed rsa
                              sign    verify    sign/s verify/s
        rsa  512 bits 0.000064s 0.000005s  15641.1 204646.2

³204,646² Yay!  That¹s what we¹re talking about!!!!!



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