On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Victor Lowther <victor.lowt...@gmail.com>wrote:

> After a minor tweak to the networking barclamp and a whole lot of ugly
> hacking in the Ceph barclamp, Crowbar 2.0 is now able to deploy Ceph using
> the code in the current development tree + my fork of the Ceph barclamp @
> https://github.com/VictorLowther/barclamp-ceph
> I have attached a screenshot as proof of my awesomeness.
> I will clean up the code and document the development process I used over
> the next week or so.

https://github.com/VictorLowther/barclamp-ceph, now cleaned up and with an
almost-overly-detailed README.
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