On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 01:18:43PM +0100, Adam Spiers wrote:
> Crowbar has one or two JSON-parsing wheels, e.g.
> https://github.com/crowbar/barclamp-provisioner/blob/master/updates/parse_node_data
> https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/blob/master/releases/pebbles/master/extra/json-edit
> which were already invented elsewhere several times.  Take a look at
>   https://github.com/ddopson/underscore-cli
> in particular the list of alternatives at the bottom.  Even if we keep
> the existing wheels, it is worth bearing these superior alternatives
> in mind for the future.
I looked at a few of those earlier today but I didn't find a good fit for us.
Many of them are written in Javascript and depend on node.js (underscore-cli,
json-command, json, jsawk,  jsonpath, json:select()).  I suposed we don't want
to pull in dependencies for yet another scripting languange. Additionally a
large chunk of them is just of filtering or pretty printing json not for
manipulating it.
It's not as if parse_node_data and json-edit implement the JSON parsing
themselves. Both are pretty tiny and rely on the json gem to do the heavy
lifting (which I guess is more widely used than any of the above mentioned


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