
If you want us to continue to try and help you please attach the various 
logfiles and error message. Otherwise, I know we've already started the process 
of getting you signed up for a Try&Buy. That would include someone to come 
on-site to help you out to get this all working. Chris Hogan (CCed) is your 
best contact on this.


From: Daniel San Pedro [mailto:dsanpe...@mcna.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 2:39 PM
To: Perryman, Randy
Cc: Dearborn, Chris; Jakesch, Simon; crowbar; Jacob, Jacob
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] mesa-1.6 - cinder barclamp fails when applying proposal


I tried all the suggestions below. Thank you.
I do not know what I did last time to get cinder working, but now it is failing 
again every time I apply the proposal. I attempted bringing up a new storage 
node and installing cinder on that to see if that remedied the issue.
I also attempted the chef-client stop, DB drop, /opt/dell/bin/barclamp_install 
cinder procedure.

Quantum installs just fine on a network node. So I'm stuck on cinder again :'(.

Daniel San Pedro
Systems Administrator
MCNA Dental Plans
Office: (800) 494-6262 Ext. 203
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On 10/3/13 5:30 PM, randy_perry...@dell.com<mailto:randy_perry...@dell.com> 

Dell - Internal Use - Confidential


I just had a chance to look at your network json and see at least one issue.  
The Nova Floating section is a subnet of the Public, your IP's for 
nova-floating are not.

Also when running in Dual mode you will need to change the use_vlan to false 
also and the conduit to intft1.

Below is my suggestion:

"public": {

          "conduit": "intf1",

          "vlan": 300,

          "use_vlan": false,

          "add_bridge": false,

          "subnet": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "broadcast": "",

          "router": "",

                  "router_pref":  5,

          "ranges": {

            "host": { "start": "", "end": "" },

            "dhcp": { "start": "", "end": "" }



        "nova_fixed": {

          "conduit": "intf0",

          "vlan": 500,

          "use_vlan": true,

          "add_bridge": true,

          "subnet": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "broadcast": "",

          "router": "",

                  "router_pref": 20,

          "ranges": {

            "router": { "start": "", "end": "" },

            "dhcp": { "start": "", "end": "" }



        "nova_floating": {

          "conduit": "intf1",

          "vlan": 300,

          "use_vlan": false,

          "add_bridge": false,

          "subnet": "",

          "netmask": "",

          "broadcast": "",

          "ranges": {

            "host": { "start": "", "end": "" }



Randy Perryman

Network Development Principal Engineer

Dell | Cloud and Big Data Solutions

office +1 603 249 7710 mobil +1 603 321 5611


Dell Inc. 300 Innovative Way, Suite 301, Nashua NH, 03062

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