Le jeudi 19 septembre 2013, à 16:36 +0200, Dirk Müller a écrit :
> Hi,
> at SUSE we've created a minimal Heat barclamp:
> https://github.com/SUSE-Cloud/barclamp-heat
> it currently works for pebbles/grizzly. I would like to push it under
> the crowbar domain and maintain it there for Grizzly and Havana. How
> can we go make that happen?
+1. If we can start by just moving them to github.com/crowbar/ (even if
it's not being used when building an iso with dev for
release/pebbles/master), that'd work for us.

Just as a reminder, we also have the following barclamps that we created
and that I think could be moved upstream:

 Integration with Cisco UCS (Adam presented this in today's meeting)

 Allowing arbitrary NFS mounts on nodes

 A barclamp to update packages on nodes. Currently, it only has
 implementation for zypper (SLES/openSUSE), but patches to add some
 apt-get/yum code would be welcome.

We also have the following barclamp, which is arguably a bit SUSE
specific since it's about integration with SUSE Manager. Might still be
useful for people using RHEL, though.



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