Yes and no.  All the noderoles together make up the noderole graph, which by 
itself does not care about deployments.  However, when a noderole is created 
(and gets its initial configuration) and bound to the noderole graph, it is 
always created in the context of a deployment, which determines what 
configuration it will get and determines what noderoles it will be bound to to 
satisfy the dependencies of the role it is binding to the node.

    *   Node-role bindings (called noderoles for short -- please suggest a 
better name for this!), which represent a specific instance of a role bound to 
a node.  Noderoles have their own configuration in addition to the role 
configuration at a deployment level and the default role configuration.
What is the configuration that a node role owns?  Would this configuration be 
user visible, or something that would be set by the barclamp associated with 
the role?

I’m going to suggest “Tack” for this.   There are several other ideas (Nail, 
Grain, Binding, etc).

We need to resolve this quickly.
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