> Why?  We already have 
> https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/wiki/Videos 
> https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/wiki/Introductory-Videos 
> https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar/wiki/Developer-Videos (strangely empty) 
> and IMHO the wiki is a much more suitable place for videos, because they're 
> not strongly coupled to a particular revision of code.  If a list of videos 
> goes in the repo, then git diff between branches will show differences in the 
> list of videos, which doesn't make any sense to me.  Sorry to be picky, but 
> proliferation of semi-duplicated documentation seems to be a common problem 
> with Crowbar in general, so it'd be great to avoid making it worse.  Feel 
> free to correct me if I missed something.

Adam, that's a good point.  Here's my dilemma -> the notes from those videos 
are documentation that's persisted.  I think that should be in the docs, not on 
the wiki.  The videos are helpful to backstop the docs but age.  We need to 
have a system that encourages the text to be written and I don't see that from 
the wiki pages.

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