
Do you have the ability to run a smoketest on an Ubuntu deployment?  

Here is the condition that produces the failure:

#> ./dev fetch && ./dev sync
#> ./dev switch pebbles/openstack-os-build
#> ./dev build --os Ubuntu-12.04 --test develop-mode

When the admin node and the 4x compute nodes have fully deployed:

#> ssh root@
$> cd /opt/dell/bin
$> smoketest swift

When the swift deployment completes:

$> smoketest tempest

All Barclamps will deploy up to and including nova.  The nova smoketest fails 
at the point of allocation of floating IPs.  The problem is centered on the 
quantum deployment. Victor's patches solve the problem on Mesa-1.6, however the 
quantum code in Pebbles has significantly changed and we are still trying to 
identify the needed changes to enable to Allocation of floating IPs to proceed.

If you can provide an upload address I can provide detailed log files.  One 
full log collection is 70MB the other is 110MB.

Please let me know how you wish to proceed.

- John T.

-----Original Message-----
From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Vincent Untz
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 3:45 AM
To: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Quantum fixes for Mesa-1.6 - Pebbles has similar issues

Le jeudi 01 août 2013, à 23:11 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Hi,
> Le jeudi 01 août 2013, à 09:05 -0500, a écrit :
> > Vincent,
> > 
> > The pull request Arkady mentioned on the community call this morning 
> > is:
> This pull request does many different things. Would it be possible to 
> know the exact error we're trying to fix? (With logs :-))

Any news? It's hard to work on a fix if we don't know what the issue is.
And it's really blocking everything since we don't merge pull requests because 
of this.

FWIW, I don't think we're seeing any issues in quantum on SLES. But again, 
knowing the exact error would help know this :-)



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