Seems like the log facility and levels is hard coded. You can experiment with a little Chef and parameterize the templates, and then feed the parameters from an attributes file.
Judd Maltin 1-917-882-1270 I have suffering to learn compassion once and once again. On Aug 2, 2013 6:55 PM, "Shane Gibson" <> wrote: > > Okay – new to the crowbar list, so please be delicate if I'm off topic, > etc… ☺ > > I poked around for a while (google and crowbar documentation) trying to > determine “the correct way” to change the Log Facility for our Crowbar > deployed swift instance. I find the various template files with the > “log_facility” specification – and it’s set to what /etc/swift/*.conf is > defined to on the deployed nodes (eg “LOG_LOCAL0” and “INFO” level). > > However (oh, by the way, completely new to Chef too …) – I’m not certain > where the “correct” place to change the log_facility to enact a logging > increase level. I see on the admin node in my /opt/dell directory > structure: > > > ./chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/container-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/account-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/proxy-server.conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/object-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./barclamps/swift/chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/container-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./barclamps/swift/chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/account-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./barclamps/swift/chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/proxy-server.conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > ./barclamps/swift/chef/cookbooks/swift/templates/default/object-server-conf.erb:log_facility > = LOG_LOCAL0 > > I've been through most of the Dell released documentation on Crowbar, but > I'm not finding anything related to changing logging levels, and "making > them stick". I'm assuming that in the Crowbar/Chef implementation, the > /etc/swift/*conf files get whacked by Chef coming along and "making things > right" - like Puppet would? > > Is there some other more elegant way to change logging levels and > implement them? > > TIA! > ~~Shane > > > _______________________________________________ > Crowbar mailing list > > > For more information:
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