I'm using Crowbar to manage an existing cloud with a handful of Nova
Essex compute instances, and I'm interested in pulling/updating to
create a new barclamp-nova with the latest Havana .deb packages to
light up a new Nova Havana cluster alongside what I've already got.
(My eventual goal is to migrate the existing workloads over to Nova
Havana and release my original compute nodes for other purposes.)

Is there any way for me to have two "nova" barclamps installed
side-by-side in Crowbar for this purpose? It seems quite non-trivial
to make a new barclamp with a new name (i.e. "nova-havana"), since the
barclamp name is woven all throughout the cookbook and would create a
lot of conflicts unless I did a perfect job.

Is there a Crowbar strategy that would allow me to perform this kind
of step-up upgrade from one OpenStack Nova version to the next in the
same environment?



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