Hey Greg,

Can you ssh into the admin node, sudo -i, and then run "chef-client"?  It will 
probably fail, and I'm hoping that it will give a more informative error than 
the one below.



From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Jacobs, Greg
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:54 PM
To: crowbar
Subject: [Crowbar] stuck in the quantum barclamp deployment


Performing install of latest build as released 6/19. I am stuck in the quantum 
barclamp deployment. It has stalled out in the GUI showing a yellow/green 
cycling dot. The quantum proposal is listed in node view under the node 
dashboard for the appropriate node that has been tied to the quantum proposal.

I see this in the quantum.log on the admin node:

INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found: Cannot load Databag Item 
Updated data_bag_item[crowbar::bc-template-quantum]
WARNING: No knife configuration file found
INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found: Cannot load role quantum-server
Updated Role quantum-server!

quantum.log (END)

I cannot execute quantum commands from the CLI yet. Looks like it is not 
installed on the system.



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