Forwarded from a direct question .... I am stuck in the quantum barclamp deployment. It has stalled out in the GUI yet the proposal looks to be implemented in the node view. How can I properly validate that quantum is installed proper and I can move on to the next proposal?
I see this in the logs presently: INFO: Upload complete! Uploaded all cookbooks. WARNING: No knife configuration file found INFO: HTTP Request Returned 409 Conflict: Data bag already exists Data bag crowbar already exists WARNING: No knife configuration file found INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found: Cannot load Databag Item bc-template-quantum Updated data_bag_item[crowbar::bc-template-quantum] WARNING: No knife configuration file found INFO: HTTP Request Returned 404 Not Found: Cannot load role quantum-server Updated Role quantum-server! quantum.log (END) _______________________________________________ Crowbar mailing list For more information: