Vincent, Please can you review this PR. Thanks.
- John t. From: Victor Lowther [] Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 11:51 AM To: crowbar/barclamp-crowbar Subject: [barclamp-crowbar] Make sure we compact the Couchdb databases. [1/1] (#526) A common issue that has come up in the past is that the couchdb databases that Chef uses as its backing store grow without bound, due to Couchdb being append-only by default and needing to have an externa process kick off the garbage collection process. This pull request adds code to the default Crowbar recipe that checks the databases to see if they or their associated views have grown too large, and to initiate a GC cycle if they have. chef/cookbooks/crowbar/recipes/default.rb | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+) Crowbar-Pull-ID: 9561475<> Crowbar-Release: pebbles ________________________________ You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull pull-req-release-pebbles-master-956147574eb056fbe34c4de581d9b9c31bed1583 Or view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary * Add couchdb compaction code to the default Crowbar recipe. File Changes * M chef/cookbooks/crowbar/recipes/default.rb<> (36) Patch Links: * *
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