Hey Tim,

Looking at the code in 
crowbar/barclamps/ipmi/chef/cookbooks/bmc-nat/recipes/client.rb, line 31 is:

code "ip route add #{bmc_subnet}/#{bmc_netmask} via #{nat_address}"

So it looks like it wants to put the bmc subnet IP in that line prior to the 
"/".  In your error message below, it looks like #{bmc_subnet} must be set to 
nil or the empty string.  I would check your bc-template-network.json, and 
verify that it has a "subnet" attribute that is set appropriately.  From the 
standard bc-template-network.json:

        "bmc": {
          "conduit": "bmc",
          "vlan": 100,
          "use_vlan": false,
          "add_bridge": false,
          "subnet": "",
          "netmask": "",
          "broadcast": "",
          "ranges": {
            "host": { "start": "", "end": "" }

Your system should run with the ipmi barclamp present.  My development 
environment is currently virtual machines running in VMware, and I don't have 
issues despite that.  I'm guessing that your bc-template-network.json has 
errors in it, and those errors are causing your issues.  Given that, I think I 
would try to resolve the issue with the ipmi barclamp, and hopefully that will 
clear up your other issues as well.

Oh, another thing you can try is to log into the chef GUI by going to (admin/password), and then navigating to 
Nodes-><system_name>->Attributes->crowbar->network->bmc and see what the value 
of the "subnet" attribute is.  I'm betting that it either doesn't exist or is 
set to an empty string/nil.

Hope this helps!

Software Developer

From: crowbar-bounces On Behalf Of Tim Cook
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:38 PM
To: crowbar
Subject: [Crowbar] client installs loops on os_install

build environment:

 1. built a crowbar master on Vmware fusion on my mac
 2. updated my bc-template-network.json
 3. finished installing crowbar successfully
  a. took a snap shot, so I could roll back to a clean crowbar installation.
 4. build 2 more virts to pxe boot a client image
 5. virts built and I was able install the necessary bar clamps to kick off the 
default ubuntu virt that comes with OpenStack and login to it.

 Where things went wrong.

 1. rolled back to snapshot
 2. copied Crowbar master over to Esxi Vmware server
 3. Crowbar master comes up without a problem , I can access port 3000 remotely
 4. install and allocate first client  HP proliant Sl230s Gen8
 5. attempt to allocate mysql bar clamp and fails

running chef-client from the client returned -->

bash("Add route to get to our BMC via nat") do
  returns 0
  retries 0
  cookbook_name "bmc-nat"
  command "\"bash\"  \"/tmp/chef-script20130423-28453-ihooed-0\""
  action "run"
  code "ip route add /<> via"
  backup 5
  interpreter "bash"
  retry_delay 2
  recipe_name "client"
  not_if "ip route show via |grep -q "

6. remove the "/" from "/opt/dell/chef/cookbooks/bmc-nat/recipes/client.rb" 
line 31
7. still failed until I ran "ip route del via" 
manually and for every subsequent barclamp provisioned I had to do the same 
thing, or provisioning would fail.
8. all bar clamps on first client eventually completed successfully
9. attempted to install second client for compute and discovery went well , 
allocated client went well, then I noticed the client never removes the 
os_install sym link and replaces it with a sym link to execute , so the client 
just reinstalls over and over.
10. then I bypassed the default pxe boot , and used hdd as the first boot 
device, then the server booted with the hostname redundant .
11. then I tried to run chef-client and the chef-client appeared to have no 
run_list associated to it.

also note: that I do not require the bmc-vlan barclamp as I am using HP , so I 
have removed the barclamp from impi .

This is my current problem , Any ideas ?

Do not allow yourselves to be deceived: Great Minds are Skeptical.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
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