On 07.03.2013, at 02:36, andi_a...@dell.com wrote:
> In general, each recipe will define a set of attributes that are required for 
> it to run successfully. These attributes provide the information that either 
> search or crowbar would have provided. The attributes can be populated in 
> different ways, depending on the environment in which the recipes are used:
> a)      With pure Chef – via the default attributes in the cookbook, the 
> environments facility of Chef, or roles
> b)      In Crowbar – crowbar will compute and inject override values for 
> these attributes, at runtime, via chef  API’s.
> c)       In other deployment systems – in a manner either like a) or b) or 
> telepathically.

d) a wrapper cookbook setting node attributes


node.set['donar']['keystone_server_name'] = get_access_endpoint("keystone", 
"keystone", "admin-api")["host"]

get_access_endpoint could be a API call to crowbar

or a more "interesting" wrapper cookbook change with 

chef_gem "chef-rewind"
require 'chef/rewind'

include_recipe "nova::compute"

if node["nova"]["libvirt"]["virt_type"] == "qemu"
  rewind "package[nova-compute-qemu]" do
    action :nothing
elsif node["nova"]["libvirt"]["virt_type"] == "kvm"
  rewind "package[nova-compute-kvm]" do
    action :nothing

cu Edmund
DI Edmund Haselwanter, edm...@haselwanter.com, http://edmund.haselwanter.com/
http://www.iteh.at | http://facebook.com/iTeh.solutions | 

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