The discussion happened quite a while ago with Rob.  I was originally hoping we 
could have a single controller for both API and UI who's methods would handle 
returning both JSON and HTML which is really the rails way of doing it.  But 
because of the requirement of the API and the need of the ServiceObject at the 

Rob asked that I send out what I did to the  mailing list after reviewing his 
last pull request for Deployer which  did not use the pattern in routes.rb in 
crowbar BC.  It instead uses the singular over plural convention to separate UI 
vs API calls which did not seem like a great way to go.

The current scheme in routes.rb does not allow for two pluralized controllers 
to have the same name, one for API and one for UI which from what I've read is 
the correct way to implement what we are trying to do.  Using namespaces allows 
for two controllers with the same name with different locations in file system.

Also what is in crowbar routes.rb still implies two controllers one for API and 
one for UI,  the snippet you sent only covers JSON/API calls.

-----Original Message-----
From: Victor Lowther [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 6:13 PM
To: Paterson, David
Cc: crowbar
Subject: Re: [Crowbar] Discussion: CB 2.0 routing pattern finalization

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:42 PM,  <> wrote:
> The routing pattern we use in CB2 needs to be finalized.  Currently there are 
> a couple of different routing patterns in use which is going to lead to 
> problems down the road.
> Fact:  We need to have two controllers per barclamp/managed object.  One for 
> UI and another for API calls.  There was an earlier discussion around using a 
> single controller for both UI and API, the output of this design discussion 
> is we need two.

Where did this discussion happen?

> Please let's assume there will be two moving forward and limit the scope of 
> this thread to the routing pattern.
> As a starting place we could use namespaces.   The UI would use the root 
> namespace and api calls would fall under a :api namespace that includes a 
> version scope.
> Example routes for Network Barclamp
> resources :networks  #UI routes for networks, URL 
> http:[host]:[port]/networks
> namespace :api
>      scope ':barclamp' do
>           scope ':version' do
>                resources :networks #Versioned API routes for networks , URL 
> http:[host]:[port]/api/network/v2/networks
>                resources :conduits  #Versioned API routes for conduits,  URL 
> http:[host]:[port]/api/network/v2/conduits
>              ...
>         end
>    end
> end

The scheme that Rob, Ward, Wayne and myself settled on looks like this (from 
the current routes.rb):

# API routes (must be json and must prefix v2)()
    scope :defaults => {:format=> 'json'} do

      constraints(:id => /([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\_]*)/, :version => /v[1-9]/ ) do

        # framework resources pattern (not barclamps specific)
        scope 'api' do

          scope 'status' do
            get "nodes(/:id)" => "nodes#status",  :as=>:nodes_status
            get "deployments(/:id)" => "deployments#status", 

          scope ':version' do

            resources :nodes do
              resources :attribs
              resources :groups
              match 'transistion'   # these should be limited to put,
but being more lax for now
              match 'allocate'   # these should be limited to put, but
being more lax for now
            resources :barclamps do
              resources :deployments
            resources :deployments
            resources :snapshots
            resources :jigs
            #resources :users
            resources :attrib_types
            resources :attribs
            resources :role_types
            resources :roles
            resources :groups do
              member do
                get 'nodes'
          end # version
        end # api

        # Barclamp resource v2 API Pattern
        scope ':barclamp' do
          scope ':version' do

            match "template"                => "barclamps#template"

            resources :deployments do
              member do
                put 'commit'
                put 'recall'

            resources :snapshots

            resources :roles do
              resources :attribs
              resources :nodes

            resources :attribs

          end # version scope
        end # barclamp scope
      end # id constraints

> The controllers would then be located in file system as follows:
> [barclamp_root]/app/controllers/networks_controller.rb - UI Controller 
> [barclamp_root]/app/controllers/api/networks_controller.rb - API controller.
> There are other ways of doing, this is one idea.    We need to settle on a 
> common scheme ASAP.
> Feedback please.
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